- Our Collection
- Pro Hart
- Between the Flags - Manly Beach
Between the Flags - Manly Beach
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Pro Hart, 1991
Pro Hart (1928 - 2006) was born in Broken Hill, NSW, Australia, and grew up on the family sheep station "Larloona" near Broken Hill. In his early twenties Pro moved to Broken Hill and worked underground as a miner.
From age seven, Pro loved to sketch and paint. He began taking his gift seriously in his early twenties when he first used painting as a creative outlet to keep him sane from underground life as a miner. To develop his gift, Pro attended a few local art classes but is mainly self-taught. He was discovered in 1962 by a gallery director in Adelaide. From there his success as an artist began to flourish.
Mainly working in oils and acrylics, Pro would use any tool or method to achieve the desired outcome for his work. He drew upon techniques of layering, chiaroscuro, glazing, scumbling, scratching and Alla prima. Pro was also a sculptor working with welded steel, bronze and ceramics.